Tuesday, June 10, 2008



I'm Sami, and I've recently moved from Lowestoft, UK, to Brisbane, Australia. From our opposite sides of the world, my mum and I are going to take pictures each day, and post them together. We won't discuss or see the other picture before we've taken our own, and we'll see what happens.

Today I took a view from Mt Coot-tha, overlooking Brisbane City.
Mum took a shot of the sky, I think from the back garden at home.


Unknown said...

Grow the beard back! Aaaaaaagh you look like a 12 year old! I'm not used to it!

Also isn't it weird how the airplane traces makes slices in the Lowestoft skyline? I have shots on flickr with that very same effect.

Original Saminal said...

I'm growing it back.

I had no idea that many airplanes crossed the sky over Lowestoft...

Anonymous said...

Wow that sunset is amazing. We had a pretty great one here last night too :)