Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So here're today's pictures.. I went closer to home, and mum went out a bit further, and we ended up getting pictures of places about the same distance from our houses..


Katie-Scarlett said...

Hi Sami - these pictures are lovely. My friend and I have been thinking of doing something like this for a while (we live in two different cities) but she has no camera at the moment.

You might want to check out a blog called "3191: a year of mornings", it's along the same lines :-)

Take care, Katie

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie-Scarlett
I am a big fan of 3191 (which is evenings now) and is still absolutely beautiful. We're not photographers so our photos won't compare but we thought it would be interesting to see what happened.
Floss (Sami's mum)