Monday, July 7, 2008


It has been brought to my attention that my ridiculous and unfounded claims that England has no palm trees were both ridiculous and unfounded.

Also, here is my knee in front of a tablecloth.


Bia said...

Sami! It's Bia here. I'm a stalker. I found this from your profile on Ev's forum thing. (Yes, I'm bored.) I just had to let you know that this is the best idea ever. AND... that I think your mom is just an awesome photographer. I mean, you're good too ;) but your mom is fantastic! I've told myself a million times that I should start taking at least one picture per day and keep some sort of blog of it... I really should do it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Beatriz
Thanks for your kind words.
Yes, do start taking a picture every day - it helps you to notice what is going on around you, to really look.
Have you seen 3191 - a year of evenings? They are amazing photographers and very inspiring.
Do it!
Floss (Sam's mum)

Bia said...

Oh! Hi Sam's mum. :)
I really did love the pictures you took here.
I have not seen 3191 - a year of evenings... I will have to now! Thankyou! :)